Congratulations Dr McMullin!

Congratulations Dr McMullin!

It is with enormous pleasure that I can announce that our founder/director, Caitlin McMullin, has passed her PhD viva with NO CORRECTIONS! The power of thorough proof-reading!

Many of our long time clients will know that Caitlin has been pursuing her PhD in political science part-time, alongside running Transcription Centre (and a marathon every now and then). Her thesis is on co-production (or the collaboration of professionals and citizens) in the third sector in England and France. 

Having conducted, transcribed, and analysed numerous interviews for her PhD (in both English and French), her wealth of knowledge of qualitative research methods continues to be a huge asset for Transcription Centre. 

Keep an eye on our blog over the coming weeks, where Caitlin will be reflecting on her experience of her PhD, and the importance of transcription in her own research.

Transcribing your vocal tics, you know?

Transcribing your vocal tics, you know?

Full verbatim or intelligent verbatim transcription?

Full verbatim or intelligent verbatim transcription?